My Path to The Future

Let me introduce myself, I am Adnelti Tesa Oktafiani. My friends usually called me Tesa. I am from Batam, Riau Islands. I majored in Information Technology as my choice to build a career at President University.

Here I am going to write my statement about President University.





My first impression when I visited the website is President University using English as the main language when study. It can help me to improve my English skill as time goes by. President University provides an internship in order the students can implement their skills and not only understand the theory but practice as well. A short semester only for four months also is my consideration. Considering I had one hiatus year before so it is already late to graduate from university. I hope I can graduate on time at President University. We often hear that there is a lot of fresh graduates who have not got a job after graduation. This makes me more aware of how difficult to find a job is. I guess the program offered by President University is the right way to shape the students getting better with its superiority.

I choose Information Technology as my future career is because we are now live in a digital era. And IT always will be needed by a company. This major is quite hard but the opportunity behind that is huge. If we can master this field, a lot of opportunities will come to us. And I guess IT is not only about career opportunities, but also an investment for ourselves.

Reasons why I choose President University I want to challenge myself. I love English language. But sometimes when   I was faced with English, I feel not confident. So I guess this is the time to face what I was scared about. Otherwise, I will not develop. President University also has a lot of extracurricular that I have not heard yet that make me interested in.

As far as I feel after undergoing 1 semester, there are a lot of things that I got. One of them is how to build a business. And my English skills are improving. I am getting used to reading in English faster and think in English. The lectures are welcome when we asked something and always give us a solution when we had trouble.
